A lot of stay-at-home moms are discovering the advantages of having a blog and making money while they are at home with their children. Mom’s are often occupied with how to keep the child from jumping on their luxury recliner than blogging. In between cooking for the house or cleaning the dishes under the faucet, it isn’t easy to run a business, especially if one of the first steps is to quit smoking. However, it is not something easier unlike what most people think. You need a master plan or the right approach to make your blog successful. You won’t be able to achieve success by just posting because you also need to do things to make people see your work.
This guide will show you strategies and how you can make money through blogging.
1. Share your Story
One of the best ways to engage with your audience is to share your story. They want to know who you are, your struggles in life, what have you been up to before the blog was made, and other things that inspire you. It’s as if you are a celebrity now, but that is what makes the blog more fascinating – when you are not afraid to open up and share about your experiences in life.
2. What’s Your Skill?
Sharing your skill is another advantage. Not many bloggers have the skill to share other than posting reviews and sharing their personal stories. If you are a nurse, an architect, a trader, or any other occupation, you can share your tips for students or those that would just simply want to learn about your career.
3. What Method Do I Choose?
There are several ways to earn on your blog. First is through traffic or people visiting your site, the second is affiliate marketing which involves marketing a service or product on other social media platforms to generate income, and third involves ads where you earn when someone clicks them during their visit on your site.
These are just some of the ways you can earn through your own website. Alternatively, you can offer your own service (like coaching) or selling your own products.