Start Making 100$ a Day

Who wouldn’t want to make 100 a day? Most people, especially moms, have uncovered the secret of online freelancing jobs. It is not as easy as pie to land a freelancing job, but once you find it, it is very rewarding. Moms with hobbies such as fishing are particularly good at generating income. Selling fishing chairs online is one such way these savvy moms are making money. The true experts, however, are doing out and selling trolling boats to expert fishermen. One of its perks is, of course, being able to stay at home and work.
As I am writing this, I will spill to you the secret to earning 100 a day. It is to be a freelance blogger! Yes, like what I am doing now, you can also reach that goal; however, I encourage reading everything first to know if you are eligible to be one. …

Mom Blogging Guide

A lot of stay-at-home moms are discovering the advantages of having a blog and making money while they are at home with their children. Mom’s are often occupied with how to keep the child from jumping on their luxury recliner than blogging. In between cooking for the house or cleaning the dishes under the faucet, it isn’t easy to run a business, especially if one of the first steps is to quit smoking. However, it is not something easier unlike what most people think. You need a master plan or the right approach to make your blog successful. You won’t be able to achieve success by just posting because you also need to do things to make people see your work.
This guide will show you strategies and how you can make money through blogging.
1. Share your Story…

Crafts that Make Money

These days, crafting and selling it online has been profitable for a lot of creative people. If you want to know other ways to craft, then read on to find out more.
Wood Plaque (Image Transferred to Wood)

What you need here is a wood painting panel, a photocopied image, Mod Podge, and a clear glaze spray…

Writing Tips

The best writing tip that I can give to beginner bloggers is to write regularly. It’s possible that it is your first time to write something long, but imagine doing things in a consistent manner and eventually, you will be better at it. Here are more tips that can help you achieve an engaging blog:
Connect with Your Audience
Know your niche, stick with it, and engage with your audience. Isn’t it disappointing when you are a regular reader of a certain blog and have posted comments but never received any replies whatsoever from the blogger himself (or herself)? To gain regular readers, you have to make an effort to talk to them as some of the readers are also the key people to know what your next blog is.
Ask Your Audience
This should not be done all …

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